Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some thoughts and a word of warning.

As I was lying in bed this morning, not sleeping, it occurred to me that I might be using a few words/phrases in this blog that could potentially make my more sensitive readers feel a tad squeamish. So I am now putting out a warning: If for any reason any of the following words make you feel uncomfortable you may want to reevaluate whether or not this blog is for you.
  • pee
  • cervix
  • uterus
  • cramps
  • contractions
  • anything to do with labor and delivery - these words/phrases can become quite graphic, for example "mucus plug," do not google this if you are eating or have just eaten
Is everyone ok so far? I know, very racy words, right? In case you are wondering how I might use some of these words, I have included a few contextual examples below.

  • We have nicknamed our little one the "Pee Monster." How did such a sweet term of endearment arise? Is it because he is bound to be a little pee pot like the baby in this commercial:

Although we are aware our little monster will doubtlessly put on a few spectacular shows of his own, this is not actually the origin of his pet name. (Side note: check out this fabulously ridiculous product aptly named the Pee-pee Teepee). From early on in the pregnancy I found myself making several trip a day to the bathroom. Most pregnancy sites you look at suggest this feeling of urgency (another pee related word!) will subside some time after the first trimester.

Lies! The not so pleasant sensation of needing to pee every ten minutes has only been compounded by the fact that the little one is now strong enough to bounce on/kick/punch my bladder (oops another slightly taboo word, oh my!). Thus, we have dubbed our sweet little boy, the Pee Monster. I imagine he looks something like this:

  • One more example before we part. As I previously stated, this morning I was lying in bed not sleeping. Anyone who knows me knows that I enjoy my sleep. So, why would I be awake at the ungodly hour of 6:30? Well, after one of my many trips to the bathroom, our little monster decided he would try to escape by punching his way through my cervix. Good times. (note: this word may also be used in the more medical sense, i.e., "I went to the doctor today and my cervix was [insert medical terminology for status of cervix]."
With that mental image, I leave you with one final thought. While I suspect that most people will be strong enough to withstand words like "pee" and "cervix" I figured it might warrant a small warning as I know there are people out there who turn green from the word "moist." It takes all kinds.