Thursday, July 29, 2010

Deep Fried

That's me, not just fried, but deep fried. I can't even begin to describe the exhaustion. Luckily many of my readers are already mothers so I don't have to. Let's just say that every night G sleeps about 3-4 hours (nice right?) and then won't go back to sleep for about 2 hours. Nothing works. He doesn't cry. He fusses here and there, but mostly he's just awake. Eyes wide open and curious about the world around him. I always start with a good nursing session. If I'm lucky he drifts off. I attempt to put him down, but immediately he starts the dreaded grunting. That's the sign that sleep attempt number one has failed. The grunting turns into wiggling and then into crying. If I'm super lucky he also spits up, a-la The Exorcist. It shoots out his mouth and his nose with tremendous force. Understandably, G does not enjoy this, thus upsetting him further.

We transition into sleep attempt number two - the chest-to-chest cuddle. This frequently works during the day, but for some reason at night he thinks it's an invitation to nurse more. He roots around like a little piggy, snorting and crying when he doesn't get what he wants. Finally we transition into sleep attempt number three - the walk of shame - up and down the hallway we go, usually with a little bounce in my step. He loves to bounce! Sometimes we will also attempt to relax on the glider in the nursery or we'll try the swing. It depends on how much he resists the sleep. eventually he succumbs, his droopy red eyes closing tight, his breathing slows, and his body grows heavy. Down he goes and down I go. Wouldn't it be nice if I could say he sleeps for another 3-4 hours? It sure would! Does that happen? Nope! From then on he wakes up every hour until I finally give up and we get out of bed. Good times.

So how do I function during the day? No really, how do I do it?? I don't know. I think I spend most of my days in a bit of a haze. If I'm lucky the dishes might get done or maybe a load or two of laundry. I didn't go off on my own until this week. G and I made our first big trip to Target. G had a little meltdown in the bra section so I walked him vigorously up and down the aisles until he conked out. After that I was so exhausted I could hardly see straight so I probably ended up spending more than I had intended to. Whoops! Don't tell Husband! Then today I went to a new mom's group. I was so fried I just sat there. Most of the women there had older babies and seemed stunned that I was there at all. I don't know if I'll go back. Maybe once I come out of this newborn coma I seem to be in.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, honey. You're right, we've all been there. You will hear every tip of the trade... and that it will all get better... in three months, but in the meantime three days seems like an eternity without sleep. So I will say nothing but you are doing an awesome job. :)
